FlexRay Service API

Using the FlexRay Controller

The FlexRay Service API provides an FlexRay bus abstraction through the IFlexrayController interface. A FlexRay controller is created by calling CreateFlexrayController given a controller name and network name:

auto* flexrayController = participant->CreateFlexrayController("FlexRay1", "PowerTrain1");

FlexRay controllers will only communicate within the same network.


The FlexRay service needs a detailed simulation based on the network simulator. Because of the intrinsic complexity within FlexRay, no trivial simulation exists.


Before the FlexRay controller can be used and participate in FlexRay communication cycles, it must be configured, and a startup phase must take place at the beginning of the simulation.


The configuration is performed by setting up a FlexrayControllerConfig and passing it to Configure(). Furthermore, Configure() switches the controller to FlexrayPocState::Ready signaling that it is ready for startup.

The FlexrayControllerConfig consists of global FlexrayClusterParameters and node-specific FlexrayNodeParameters, which are both best set in the participant configuration (see config section FlexrayControllers). Furthermore, the FlexrayControllerConfig contains one or more FlexrayTxBufferConfig instances, which can either be specified in the participant configuration or added manually at runtime. Tx buffers are used to initiate a transmission from one FlexRay controller to another.

The following example configures a FlexRay controller with two FlexrayTxBufferConfig instances specifying two FlexrayFrameEvent instances, which will be sent during simulation. The FlexrayClusterParameters and the FlexrayNodeParameters are assumed to be set in the participant configuration:

std::vector<FlexrayTxBufferConfig> bufferConfigs;
FlexrayTxBufferConfig txConfig;
txConfig.channels = FlexrayChannel::AB;
txConfig.slotId = 10;
txConfig.offset = 0;
txConfig.repetition = 1;
txConfig.hasPayloadPreambleIndicator = false;
txConfig.headerCrc = 5;
txConfig.transmissionMode = FlexrayTransmissionMode::SingleShot;

txConfig.channels = FlexrayChannel::A;
txConfig.slotId = 20;

FlexrayControllerConfig controllerConfig;
controllerConfig.bufferConfigs = bufferConfigs;
controllerConfig.clusterParams = participantConfig.flexrayControllers[0].clusterParameters;
controllerConfig.nodeParams = participantConfig.flexrayControllers[0].nodeParameters;


Note that Configure() should be called in the CommunicationReadyHandler of the LifecycleService.


At least two FlexRay controllers are always required for a successful startup in a FlexRay cluster. The two participants responsible for startup are also called cold start nodes. The “leading” cold start node (normally the first node that is in FlexrayPocState::Ready) has to send the Wakeup() command to the other “following” cold start node(s):

// The leading controllers FlexrayPocState will change from
// Ready to Wakeup triggering the PocStatusHandler.

The response of the following cold start node must be the AllowColdstart() and Run() command that can be sent in the WakeupHandler callback:

void WakeupHandler(IFlexrayController* controller, const FlexraySymbolEvent& symbol)

Finally, the leading cold start node has also to respond by sending the same commands after the FlexrayPocState changed from FlexrayPocState::Wakeup to FlexrayPocState::Ready:

if (oldState == FlexrayPocState::Wakeup
    && newState == FlexrayPocState::Ready)

Note that the leading cold start node must send these commands in the next FlexRay cycle and not directly in a handler like the PocStatusHandler.

Tx Buffer Update (Sending FlexRay Messages)

In each FlexRay cycle, data can be sent by using the UpdateTxBuffer(). For this, an existing txBufferIndex, a payload and the payloadDataValid flag must be provided:

std::string payloadString{"FlexRay message"};

FlexrayTxBufferUpdate update;
update.payloadDataValid = true;
update.txBufferIndex = 0;

std::copy(payloadString.begin(), payloadString.end(), update.payload.begin());


To be notified for the success or failure of the transmission, a FrameTransmitHandler should be added:

// Add FrameTransmitHandler to receive FlexRay transmit events from other FlexRay controllers.
auto frameTransmitHandler =
    [](IFlexrayController*, const FlexrayFrameTransmitEvent& ack) {};

Receiving FlexRay Messages

To receive data from other FlexRay controller, a FrameHandler must be added via AddFrameHandler(), which is called by the FlexRay controller whenever a FlexrayFrameEvent is received:

// Add FrameHandler to receive FlexRay messages from other FlexRay controller.
auto frameHandler =
    [](IFlexrayController*, const FlexrayFrameEvent& msg) {};


For a successful startup, also the PocStatusHandler, the WakeupHandler, the SymbolHandler and the SymbolTransmitHandler should be added to invoke the different necessary commands.

Receiving POC Status Changes

The protocol operation control (POC) status is a structure consisting of status variables, sub-states and flags. It is modelled by the FlexrayPocStatusEvent structure. Updates to the controller’s POC status can be monitored using handlers added with a call to AddPocStatusHandler():

// Add a FlexrayPocStatusEvent handler, and handle status changes
flexrayController->AddPocStatusHandler([&oldPoc](IFlexrayController* ctrl, const FlexrayPocStatusEvent& poc) {
    // we might get called even if poc.state was not changed
    if (poc.state != oldPoc.state)
        switch (poc.state)
        case FlexrayPocState::Halt:
            //handle halt
        case FlexrayPocState::Config:
            // etc.
        //case FlexrayPocState::...

    if (poc.freeze)
      //handle freeze

    if (poc.chiHaltRequest)
      //deferred halt was requested ...

    //if(poc....) handle other status changes

    // retain state for next handler invocation
    oldPoc = poc

The handler will be invoked whenever the controller’s POC status is updated.

Managing the Event Handlers

Adding a handler will return a HandlerId which can be used to remove the handler via:

API and Data Type Reference

FlexRay Controller API

class IFlexrayController

Abstract FlexRay Controller API to be used by vECUs.

Public Types

using CallbackT = std::function<void(IFlexrayController *controller, const MsgT &msg)>

Generic FleyRay callback method.

using FrameHandler = CallbackT<FlexrayFrameEvent>

Callback type to indicate that a FlexRay message has been received. Cf. AddFrameHandler();

using FrameTransmitHandler = CallbackT<FlexrayFrameTransmitEvent>

Callback type to indicate that a FlexrayFrameTransmitEvent has been received. Cf. AddFrameTransmitHandler();

using WakeupHandler = CallbackT<FlexrayWakeupEvent>

Callback type to indicate that a wakeup has been received. Should be answered by a call to Run(). Cf. AddWakeupHandler();

using PocStatusHandler = CallbackT<FlexrayPocStatusEvent>

Callback type to indicate that the POC status (including state variables, modes and error codes) has changed.

using SymbolHandler = CallbackT<FlexraySymbolEvent>

Callback type to indicate that the controller has received a symbol. Cf. AddSymbolHandler();

using SymbolTransmitHandler = CallbackT<FlexraySymbolTransmitEvent>

Callback type to indicate that the controller has sent a symbol. Cf. AddSymbolTransmitHandler();

using CycleStartHandler = CallbackT<FlexrayCycleStartEvent>

Callback type to indicate that a new FlexRay cycle did start. Cf. AddCycleStartHandler();

Public Functions

virtual ~IFlexrayController() = default
virtual void Configure(const FlexrayControllerConfig &config) = 0

Configure the controller and switch to Ready state.

virtual void ReconfigureTxBuffer(uint16_t txBufferIdx, const FlexrayTxBufferConfig &config) = 0

Reconfigure a TX Buffer that was previously setup with IFlexrayController::Configure(const FlexrayControllerConfig&)

virtual void UpdateTxBuffer(const FlexrayTxBufferUpdate &update) = 0

Update the content of a previously configured TX buffer.

A FlexRay message will be sent at the time matching to the configured Slot ID. If the buffer was configured with FlexrayTransmissionMode::SingleShot, the content is sent exactly once. If it is configured as FlexrayTransmissionMode::Continuous, the content is sent repeatedly according to the offset and repetition configuration.

virtual void Run() = 0

Send the FlexrayChiCommand::RUN.

virtual void DeferredHalt() = 0

Send the FlexrayChiCommand::DEFERRED_HALT.

virtual void Freeze() = 0

Send the FlexrayChiCommand::FREEZE.

virtual void AllowColdstart() = 0

Send the FlexrayChiCommand::ALLOW_COLDSTART.

virtual void AllSlots() = 0

Send the FlexrayChiCommand::ALL_SLOTS.

virtual void Wakeup() = 0

Send the FlexrayChiCommand::WAKEUP.

virtual auto AddFrameHandler(FrameHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Receive a FlexRay message from a different controller.


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemoveFrameHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a FrameHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

virtual auto AddFrameTransmitHandler(FrameTransmitHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Notification that a FlexRay message has been successfully sent.


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemoveFrameTransmitHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a FrameTransmitHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

virtual auto AddWakeupHandler(WakeupHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Notification that a wakeup has been received.


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemoveWakeupHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a WakeupHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

virtual auto AddPocStatusHandler(PocStatusHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Notification that the POC status has changed.


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemovePocStatusHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a PocStatusHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

virtual auto AddSymbolHandler(SymbolHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Notification that the controller has received a symbol.

This callback is primarily intended for tracing. There is no need to react on it. The symbols relevant for interaction trigger also an additional callback, e.g., WakeupHandler.


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemoveSymbolHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a SymbolHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

virtual auto AddSymbolTransmitHandler(SymbolTransmitHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Notification that the controller has sent a symbol.

This callback is primarily intended for tracing. There is no need to react on it. Currently, the following SymbolPatterns can occur:


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemoveSymbolTransmitHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a SymbolTransmitHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

virtual auto AddCycleStartHandler(CycleStartHandler handler) -> HandlerId = 0

Notification that a new FlexRay cycle did start.


Returns a SilKit::Util::HandlerId that can be used to remove the callback.

virtual void RemoveCycleStartHandler(HandlerId handlerId) = 0

Remove a CycleStartHandler by SilKit::Util::HandlerId on this controller.


handlerId – Identifier of the callback to be removed. Obtained upon adding to respective handler.

Data Structures

struct FlexrayFrame

Public Members

FlexrayHeader header

Header flags, slot, crc, and cycle indidcators.

Util::Span<const uint8_t> payload

Raw payload containing 0 to 254 bytes.

struct FlexrayHeader

Public Types

enum Flag

Flag BitMask definition for helper methods.


enumerator SuFIndicator
enumerator SyFIndicator
enumerator NFIndicator
enumerator PPIndicator
using FlagMask = SilKit_FlexrayHeader_Flag

Public Members

FlagMask flags = 0

Flags bit map according to FlagMask. Description:

  • [7-5]: unused

  • [4]: Reserved bit

  • [3]: PPIndicator: 0, regular payload; 1, NM vector or message ID

  • [2]: NFIndicator: 0, no valid payload data and PPIndicator = 0; 1, valid payload data

  • [1]: SyFIndicator: 0, frame not used for synchronization; 1, frame shall be used for sync

  • [0]: SuFIndicator: 0, not a startup frame; 1, a startup frame

uint16_t frameId = 0

Slot ID in which the frame was sent: 1 - 2047.

uint8_t payloadLength = 0

Payload length, 7 bits.

uint16_t headerCrc = 0

Header CRC, 11 bits.

uint8_t cycleCount = 0

Cycle in which the frame was sent: 0 - 63.

struct FlexrayFrameEvent

Public Members

std::chrono::nanoseconds timestamp

Time at end of frame transmission.

FlexrayChannel channel

FlexRay channel A or B. (Valid values: FlexrayChannel::A, FlexrayChannel::B).

FlexrayFrame frame

Received FlexRay frame.

struct FlexrayFrameTransmitEvent

Acknowledge for the transmit on the FlexRay bus.

Public Members

std::chrono::nanoseconds timestamp

Time at end of frame transmission.

uint16_t txBufferIndex

Tx buffer, that was used for the transmission.

FlexrayChannel channel

FlexRay channel A or B. (Valid values: FlexrayChannel::A, FlexrayChannel::B).

FlexrayFrame frame

Copy of the FlexRay frame that was successfully transmitted.

struct FlexraySymbolEvent

A FlexRay Symbol as received on the FlexRay bus.

Subclassed by SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexraySymbolTransmitEvent, SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayWakeupEvent

Public Members

std::chrono::nanoseconds timestamp

End time of symbol reception.

FlexrayChannel channel

FlexRay channel A or B (values: FlexrayChannel::A, FlexrayChannel::B).

FlexraySymbolPattern pattern

The received symbol, e.g. wakeup pattern.

struct FlexraySymbolTransmitEvent : public SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexraySymbolEvent

Acknowledges the transmission of a FlexraySymbolPattern on a particular channel.

struct FlexrayWakeupEvent : public SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexraySymbolEvent

A FlexRay WUS or WUDOP symbol was received on the FlexRay bus.

Public Functions

FlexrayWakeupEvent() = default
inline explicit FlexrayWakeupEvent(const FlexraySymbolEvent &flexraySymbolEvent)

Construct a FlexrayWakeupEvent from the FlexraySymbolEvent that triggered the wakeup.

struct FlexrayPocStatusEvent

Protocol Operation Control status as available in the AUTOSAR FlexRay driver model.

This enhances the deprecated struct ControllerStatus by adding members that are available through the Controller Host Interface. AUTOSAR Name: Fr_POCStatusType

Public Members

std::chrono::nanoseconds timestamp

SIL Kit timestamp.

FlexrayPocState state

Status of the Protocol Operation Control (POC).

bool chiHaltRequest

indicates whether a halt request was received from the CHI

bool coldstartNoise

indicates noisy channel conditions during coldstart

bool freeze

indicates that the POC entered a halt state due to an error condition requiring immediate halt.

bool chiReadyRequest

indicates that the CHI requested to enter ready state at the end of the communication cycle.

FlexrayErrorModeType errorMode

indicates the error mode of the POC

FlexraySlotModeType slotMode

indicates the slot mode of the POC

FlexrayStartupStateType startupState

indicates states within the STARTUP mechanism

FlexrayWakeupStatusType wakeupStatus

outcome of the execution of the WAKEUP mechanism

struct FlexrayCycleStartEvent

Indicate the start of a FlexRay cycle.

Public Members

std::chrono::nanoseconds timestamp

Cycle starting time.

uint8_t cycleCounter

Counter of FlexRay cycles.

struct FlexrayControllerConfig

Configure the communication parameters of the FlexRay controller.

Public Members

FlexrayClusterParameters clusterParams

FlexRay cluster parameters.

FlexrayNodeParameters nodeParams

FlexRay node parameters.

std::vector<FlexrayTxBufferConfig> bufferConfigs

FlexRay buffer configs.

struct FlexrayClusterParameters

Protocol relevant global cluster parameters.

Cf. ‘FlexRay Protocol Specification Version 3.0.1’ Appendix B.3.1.1 Parameters.

Public Members

uint8_t gColdstartAttempts

Number of attempts for a cold start before giving up (range 2-31).

uint8_t gCycleCountMax

Max cycle count value in a given cluster (range 7-63, must be an odd integer).

uint16_t gdActionPointOffset

Time offset for a static slot in MacroTicks (MT) (range 1-63).

uint16_t gdDynamicSlotIdlePhase

Duration of the idle phase within a dynamic slot in gdMiniSlots (range 0-2).

uint16_t gdMiniSlot

Duration of a mini slot in MacroTicks (MT) (2-63).

uint16_t gdMiniSlotActionPointOffset

Time offset for a mini slot in MacroTicks (MT) (range 1-31).

uint16_t gdStaticSlot

Duration of a static slot in MacroTicks (MT) (3-664).

uint16_t gdSymbolWindow

Duration of the symbol window in MacroTicks (MT) (range 0-162).

uint16_t gdSymbolWindowActionPointOffset

Time offset for a static symbol windows in MacroTicks (MT) (range 1-63).

uint16_t gdTSSTransmitter

Duration of TSS (Transmission Start Sequence) in gdBits (range 1-15).

uint16_t gdWakeupTxActive

Duration of LOW Phase of a wakeup symbol in gdBit (range 15-60).

uint16_t gdWakeupTxIdle

Duration of the idle of a wakeup symbol in gdBit (45-180).

uint8_t gListenNoise

Upper limit for the startup listen timeout and wakeup listen timeout in the presence of noise. Used as a multiplier of pdListenTimeout (range 2-16).

uint16_t gMacroPerCycle

Number of MacroTicks (MT) per cycle, (range 8-16000).

uint8_t gMaxWithoutClockCorrectionFatal

Threshold used for testing the vClockCorrectionFailed counter (range 1-15).

uint8_t gMaxWithoutClockCorrectionPassive

Threshold used for testing the vClockCorrectionFailed counter (range 1-15).

uint16_t gNumberOfMiniSlots

Number of mini slots (range 0-7988).

uint16_t gNumberOfStaticSlots

Number of static slots in a cycle (range 2-1023).

uint16_t gPayloadLengthStatic

Length of the payload of a static frame in 16-Bits words (range 0-127).

uint8_t gSyncFrameIDCountMax

Max number of distinct sync frame identifiers present in a given cluster. (range 2-15).

struct FlexrayNodeParameters

Protocol relevant global node parameters.

Cf. ‘FlexRay Protocol Specification Version 3.0.1’ Appendix B.3.2 Parameters.

Public Members

uint8_t pAllowHaltDueToClock

Controls the transition to halt state due to clock synchronization errors. (0,1).

uint8_t pAllowPassiveToActive

Required number of consecutive even / odd cycle pairs for normal passive to normal active (range 0-31).

FlexrayChannel pChannels

Channel(s) to which the controller is connected (values FlexrayChannel::A, FlexrayChannel::B, FlexrayChannel::AB).

uint8_t pClusterDriftDamping

Cluster drift damping factor for rate correction in MicroTicks (range 0-10).

FlexrayMicroTick pdAcceptedStartupRange

Allowed deviation for startup frames during integration in MicroTicks (range 29-2743).

FlexrayMicroTick pdListenTimeout

Duration of listen phase in MicroTicks (range 1926-2567692).

uint16_t pKeySlotId

Slot ID of the key slot (range 0-1023, value 0 means that there is no key slot).

uint8_t pKeySlotOnlyEnabled

Shall the node enter key slot only mode after startup. (values 0, 1) (AUTOSAR pSingleSlotEnabled).

uint8_t pKeySlotUsedForStartup

Key slot is used for startup (range 0, 1).

uint8_t pKeySlotUsedForSync

Key slot is used for sync (range 0, 1).

uint16_t pLatestTx

Last mini slot which can be transmitted (range 0-7988).

uint8_t pMacroInitialOffsetA

Initial startup offset for frame reference point on channel A (rang 2-68 MacroTicks (MT)).

uint8_t pMacroInitialOffsetB

Initial startup offset for frame reference point on channel B (rang 2-68 MacroTicks (MT)).

FlexrayMicroTick pMicroInitialOffsetA

Offset between secondary time reference and MT boundary (range 0-239 MicroTicks).

FlexrayMicroTick pMicroInitialOffsetB

Offset between secondary time reference and MT boundary (range 0-239 MicroTicks).

FlexrayMicroTick pMicroPerCycle

Nominal number of MicroTicks in the communication cycle (range 960-1280000).

FlexrayMicroTick pOffsetCorrectionOut

Maximum permissible offset correction value (range 15-16082 MicroTicks).

uint16_t pOffsetCorrectionStart

Start of the offset correction phase within the NIT, (7-15999 MT).

FlexrayMicroTick pRateCorrectionOut

Maximum permissible rate correction value (range 3-3846 MicroTicks).

FlexrayChannel pWakeupChannel

Channel used by the node to send a wakeup pattern (values FlexrayChannel::A, FlexrayChannel::B).

uint8_t pWakeupPattern

Number of repetitions of the wakeup symbol (range 0-63, value 0 or 1 prevents sending of WUP).

FlexrayClockPeriod pdMicrotick

Duration of a FlexRay MicroTick (12.5ns, 25ns or 50ns).

uint8_t pSamplesPerMicrotick

Number of samples per MicroTick (values 1 or 2).

struct FlexrayTxBufferConfig

Configuration of Tx-Buffer, used in struct FlexrayControllerConfig.

Public Members

FlexrayChannel channels

(values FlexrayChannel::A, FlexrayChannel::B, FlexrayChannel::AB)

uint16_t slotId

The slot Id of frame.

uint8_t offset

Base offset for cycle multiplexing (values 0-63).

uint8_t repetition

Repetition for cycle multiplexing (values 1,2,4,8,16,32,64).

bool hasPayloadPreambleIndicator

Set the PPindicator.

uint16_t headerCrc

Header CRC, 11 bits.

FlexrayTransmissionMode transmissionMode

FlexrayTransmissionMode::SingleShot or FlexrayTransmissionMode::Continuous.

struct FlexrayTxBufferUpdate

Update the content of a FlexRay TX-Buffer.

Public Members

uint16_t txBufferIndex

Index of the TX Buffers according to the configured buffers (cf. FlexrayControllerConfig).

bool payloadDataValid

Payload data valid flag.

Util::Span<const uint8_t> payload

Raw payload containing 0 to 254 bytes.

Enumerations and Typedefs

using SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayMicroTick = SilKit_FlexrayMicroTick

FlexRay micro tick.

enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayClockPeriod

Period of the clock (used for micro tick period and sample clock period).


enumerator T12_5NS

12.5ns / 80MHz

enumerator T25NS

25ns / 40MHz

enumerator T50NS

50ns / 20MHz

enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayChannel

Type and constants for the FlexRay channel parameter A, B, or AB.


enumerator None

Invalid Channel.

enumerator A

Channel A.

enumerator B

Channel B.

enumerator AB

Channel AB.

enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexraySymbolPattern

FlexRay symbols patterns.


enumerator CasMts

Collision avoidance symbol (CAS) OR media access test symbol (MTS).

enumerator Wus

Wakeup symbol (WUS).

enumerator Wudop

Wakeup During Operation Pattern (WUDOP).

enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayTransmissionMode

Transmission mode for FlexRay Tx-Buffer.


enumerator SingleShot

Send TX Buffer only once.

enumerator Continuous

Send TX Buffer repeatedly.

enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayPocState

Protocol Operation Control (POC) state of the FlexRay communication controller AUTOSAR Name: Fr_POCStateType.


enumerator DefaultConfig

CC expects configuration. Initial state after reset.

enumerator Config

CC is in configuration mode for setting communication parameters.

enumerator Ready

intermediate state for initialization process (after Config).

enumerator Startup

FlexRay startup phase.

enumerator Wakeup

FlexRay wakeup phase.

enumerator NormalActive

Normal operating mode.

enumerator NormalPassive

Operating mode with transient or tolerable errors.

enumerator Halt

CC is halted (caused by the application (FlexrayChiCommand::DEFERRED_HALT) or by a fatal error).

enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexraySlotModeType

Indicates what slot mode the POC is in. AUTOSAR Name: Fr_SlotModeType.


enumerator KeySlot
enumerator AllPending
enumerator All
enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayErrorModeType

Indicates what error mode the POC is in. AUTOSAR Name: Fr_ErrorModeType.


enumerator Active
enumerator Passive
enumerator CommHalt
enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayStartupStateType

Indicates the current substate in the startup procedure. AUTOSAR Name: Fr_StartupStateType.


enumerator Undefined
enumerator ColdStartListen
enumerator IntegrationColdstartCheck
enumerator ColdStartJoin
enumerator ColdStartCollisionResolution
enumerator ColdStartConsistencyCheck
enumerator IntegrationListen
enumerator InitializeSchedule
enumerator IntegrationConsistencyCheck
enumerator ColdStartGap
enumerator ExternalStartup
enum SilKit::Services::Flexray::FlexrayWakeupStatusType

Indicates the outcome of the wake-up mechanism. AUTOSAR Name: Fr_WakeupStateType.


enumerator Undefined
enumerator ReceivedHeader
enumerator ReceivedWup
enumerator CollisionHeader
enumerator CollisionWup
enumerator CollisionUnknown
enumerator Transmitted