
This chapter describes the demo projects of the SIL Kit.

The demos are organized into three categories:

1. Communication Protocols

These demos showcase multi-participant systems for communication via Can, Ethernet, Lin, Flexray, PubSub or Rpc:


The CanWriter participant sends Can frames to the CanReader participant including frame acknowledgment handling.


The EthernetWriter participant sends Ethernet frames to the EthernetReader participant including frame acknowledgment handling.


A two-node Lin Setup with a LinMaster and a LinSlave. Includes a simple scheduling mechanism and demonstrates controller sleep / wakeup handling.


A two-node FlexRay Setup with a full cluster and node parametrization. Includes POC Status handling, buffer updates and reconfiguration. This Demo requires a separate Network Simulator application to simulate the details of the FlexRay cluster, which is not included in the SIL Kit.


One participant publishes GPS and temperature data, another participant subscribes to these topics. Including (de-)serialization of the C++ structures into a transmittable format.


The Rpc server participant provides two simple functions which are called by a Rpc client participant. Includes (de-)serialization of the function parameters.

2. API

These demos focus on a basic systems and single topic of the SIL Kit API:

Simple Can

Minimalistic demo for a participant with Can communication and virtual time synchronization.

Autonomous lifecycle

Minimal example of a participant with an autonomous lifecycle. The demo shows that this participant can be started and stopped independently from other participants.

Coordinated lifecycle

Minimal example of a participant with a coordinated lifecycle. This shows how multiple participants can be started and stopped simultaneously, controlled by the sil-kit-system-controller.

Simulation step handler

Minimal example of a participant with time synchronization and a simulation step handler.

Asynchronous simulation step handler

Minimal example of a participant with time synchronization and an asynchronous simulation step handler.

Network Simulator API

Demonstrates the usage of the experimental SIL Kit NetworkSimulator API. A custom network simulation for Can is set up, the network simulator application can be used together with the Can demo.

3. Tools

Tools for performance analysis:

Benchmark Demo

This demo sets up a simulation with various command line arguments for benchmarking purposes. A configurable amount of participants are spawned by a single process on different threads. The demo calculates averaged running times, throughput, speed-up and message rates for performance evaluation.

Latency Demo

A sender and a receiver application use the Publish/Subscribe services and measure the round trip time of the communication. This setup is useful to evaluate the performance of a SIL Kit setup running on different platforms. E.g., between a local host, a virtual machine, a remote network, etc.