Communication Protocols

The demos shown here are build on top of a base implementation that provides general SIL Kit features. This allows to separate the demo specific use case (e.g. how to use Ethernet with the SIL Kit) from general features (e.g. setup the SIL Kit lifecycle).

Command line arguments

The following arguments are available for all demos described in this chapter:

-h, --help                   | Get this help.
-n, --name <name>            | The participant name used to take part in the simulation.
                               Defaults to '<set by the individual demo>'.
-u, --registry-uri <uri>     | The registry URI to connect to.
                               Defaults to 'silkit://localhost:8500'.
-l, --log <level>            | Log to stdout with level:
                               'trace', 'debug', 'warn', 'info', 'error', 'critical' or 'off'.
                               Defaults to 'info'.
                               Cannot be used together with '--config'.
-c, --config <filePath>      | Path to the Participant configuration YAML or JSON file.
                               Cannot be used together with '--log'.
                               Will always run as fast as possible.
-a, --async                  | Run without time synchronization mode.
                               Cannot be used together with '--sim-step-duration'.
-A, --autonomous             | Start the simulation autonomously.
                               Without this flag, a coordinated start is performed
                               which requires the SIL Kit System Controller.
-d, --sim-step-duration <us> | The duration of a simulation step in microseconds.
                               Defaults to <set by the individual demo>us.
                               Cannot be used together with '--async'.
-f, --fast                   | Run the simulation as fast as possible.
                               By default, the execution is slowed down to two work cycles per second.
                               Cannot be used together with '--config'.
-s, --sleep <ms>             | The sleep duration per work cycle in milliseconds.
                               Default is no sleeping.
                               Using this options overrides the default execution slow down.
                               Cannot be used together with '--fast'.

The default behavior of these options is:

  • Participant name is set by the individual demo executable (e.g. CanWriter for SilKitDemoCanWriter).

  • Default registry-uri silkit://localhost:8500.

  • Logging to Stdout with Level Info.

  • No participant configuration file in use.

  • Virtual time synchronization enabled.

  • Coordinated start (requires a sil-kit-system-controller).

  • Simulation step duration set by the individual demo executable.

  • Slowed down execution to two work cycles per second.

Useful execution modes that are made accessible by the general options:

  • Spawn multiple demo participants by using collision free participant names, e.g. add a second Can reader with --name CanReader1.

  • Run without time synchronization and start coordination: --async --autonomous, or short -aA. This allows to start/stop the participants individually without requiring a sil-kit-system-controller.

  • Join a already running simulation with time synchronization: --autonomous (without --async).

  • Perform a coordinated start without time synchronization: --async (without --autonomous). This requires a sil-kit-system-controller.

Some demos extend these options by the following command line arguments:

  • For the bus demos (Can, Ethernet, Lin, Flexray): --network to override the default bus network name.

  • For Can and Ethernet: --hex to print payloads in hexadecimal format.


In the following, the system examples are meant to be executed in the repository build of the SIL Kit.

Further, the command line instructions given here are for Linux builds (forward slashes for paths, no filename suffix for executables). When using Windows (e.g. Powershell), these have to be replaced with backward slashed and the executable suffix. E.g., instead of ./SilKitDemoCanReader, use .\SilKitDemoCanReader.exe



The CanWriter participant sends Can frames to the CanReader participant including frame acknowledgment handling.

  • SilKitDemoCanReader

  • SilKitDemoCanWriter

  • --network <name> Name of the Can network to use. Defaults to ‘CAN1’.

  • --hex Print the Can payloads in hexadecimal format. Otherwise, the payloads are interpreted as strings.

System Example

Run the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Can Reader:

# Can Writer:

# System Controller:
./sil-kit-system-controller CanReader CanWriter

To run the demo without virtual time synchronization and start coordination, use the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Can Reader:
./SilKitDemoCanReader --async --autonomous

# Can Writer:
./SilKitDemoCanWriter --async --autonomous



The EthernetWriter participant sends Ethernet frames to the EthernetReader participant including frame acknowledgment handling.

  • SilKitDemoEthernetReader

  • SilKitDemoEthernetWriter

  • --network <name> Name of the Ethernet network to use. Defaults to ‘Eth1’.

  • --hex Print the Ethernet payloads in hexadecimal format. Otherwise, the payloads are interpreted as strings.

System Example

Run the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Ethernet Reader:

# Ethernet Writer:

# System Controller:
./sil-kit-system-controller EthernetReader EthernetWriter

To run the demo without virtual time synchronization and start coordination, use the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Ethernet Reader:
./SilKitDemoEthernetReader --async --autonomous

# Ethernet Writer:
./SilKitDemoEthernetWriter --async --autonomous



A two-node Lin Setup with a LinMaster and a LinSlave. Includes a simple scheduling mechanism and demonstrates controller sleep / wakeup handling.

  • SilKitDemoLinMaster

  • SilKitDemoLinSlave

  • --network <name> Name of the Lin network to use. Defaults to ‘LIN1’.

System Example

Run the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Lin Master:

# Lin Slave:

# System Controller:
./sil-kit-system-controller LinSlave LinMaster

To run the demo without virtual time synchronization and start coordination, use the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Lin Master:
./SilKitDemoLinMaster --async --autonomous

# Lin Slave:
./SilKitDemoLinSlave --async --autonomous



A two-node FlexRay Setup with a full cluster and node parametrization. Includes POC Status handling, buffer updates and reconfiguration. This Demo requires a separate Network Simulator application to simulate the details of the FlexRay cluster, which is not included in the SIL Kit.

  • SilKitDemoFlexrayNode0

  • SilKitDemoFlexrayNode1

  • --network <name> Name of the FlexRay network to use. Defaults to ‘PowerTrain1’.

System Example

Run the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Network Simulator (assumed to be in PATH, necessary):
sil-kit-network-simulator ./SilKit-Demos/FlexRay/NetworkSimulatorConfig.yaml

# Monitor (optional):

# Node 0:

# Node 1:

# System Controller:
./sil-kit-system-controller Node0 Node1 NetworkSimulator
  • The FlexRay demo requires the usage of the SIL Kit Network Simulator and virtual time synchronization.

  • It takes about 65ms (virtual time) until the starting the FlexRay cycle has started and the first FlexRay messages are transmitted.



One participant publishes GPS and temperature data, another participant subscribes to these topics. Including (de-)serialization of the C++ structures into a transmittable format.

  • SilKitDemoPublisher

  • SilKitDemoSubscriber

  • No demo specific command line arguments

System Example

Run the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Publisher:

# Subscriber:

# System Controller:
./sil-kit-system-controller Publisher Subscriber

To run the demo without virtual time synchronization and start coordination, use the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Publisher:
./SilKitDemoPublisher --async --autonomous

# Subscriber:
./SilKitDemoSubscriber --async --autonomous



The Rpc server participant provides two simple functions which are called by a Rpc client participant. Includes (de-)serialization of the function parameters.

  • SilKitDemoRpcClient

  • SilKitDemoRpcServer

  • No demo specific command line arguments

System Example

Run the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Server:

# Client:

# System Controller:
./sil-kit-system-controller RpcServer RpcClient

To run the demo without virtual time synchronization and start coordination, use the following commands in separate terminals:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Server:
./SilKitDemoRpcServer --async --autonomous

# Client:
./SilKitDemoRpcClient --async --autonomous

Implementation details

The base implementation of the demos is located in Demos\include\ApplicationBase.hpp.

Further, the participant pairs of the demos share some common behavior like printing frames, status handling or small helper classes. This is located in the header <DemoName>Common.hpp of the respective demo folders.

To constructed your own demo, use the following template:

#include "ApplicationBase.hpp"

// Inherit from ApplicationBase that provides common SIL Kit features
class MyDemoParticipant: public ApplicationBase
    // Inherit constructors
    using ApplicationBase::ApplicationBase;


    // Member variables like SIL Kit controller pointers, Demo state, etc
    std::string _myOption;
    bool _myFlag;

    // The following overrides are invoked in the right order by the ApplicationBase
    // This enables:
    // - General and demo specific command line arguments
    // - Setup of the SIL Kit lifecycle
    // - Controller creation and initialization
    // - SimulationStepHandler vs. thread based execution (--async)
    // - Signal handling to CTRL-C at any time
    // - Basic logging

    // Extend the command line argument list
    void AddCommandLineArgs() override
            "myOption", "o", "DefaultValue", "-o, --myOption <value>",
            std::vector<std::string>{"Description Line 1.", "Description Line 2"});

            "myFlag", "f", "-f, --myFlag",
            std::vector<std::string>{"Description Line 1.", "Description Line 2"});

    // Evaluate the command line argument list
    void EvaluateCommandLineArgs() override
        _myOption = GetCommandLineParser()->Get<CommandlineParser::Option>("myOption").Value();
        _myFlag = GetCommandLineParser()->Get<CommandlineParser::Flag>("myFlag").Value();

    // Create all SIL Kit controllers here
    void CreateControllers() override
        // All SIL Kit features can be accessed via GetParticipant()
        // _myController = GetParticipant()->CreateXYZController(...);

    // Controller initialization goes here
    void InitControllers() override

    // Called in each simulation step when running with time synchronization
    void DoWorkSync(std::chrono::nanoseconds now) override
        // _myController->Send(...)

    // Called in a worker thread when running without time synchronization
    void DoWorkAsync() override
        // _myController->Send(...)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Arguments args;
    args.participantName = "MyDemoParticipant"; // Always specify a meaningful default participant name

    MyDemoParticipant app{args};

    // This will trigger AddCommandLineArgs() and EvaluateCommandLineArgs()
    // Optionally, a set of excluded default command line arguments can be specified
    app.SetupCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, "Description for the command line help");

    // This will trigger CreateControllers(), InitControllers() and then cyclically DoWorkSync() or DoWorkAsync()
    return app.Run();