!!! Getting Started as a SIL Kit Developer

!!! Build Prerequisites

To get started developing you’ll need the following prerequisites:
  • Git

  • C++ compiler (Visual Studio 2017 or newer, GCC, Clang)

  • CMake

  • C++ dependencies are managed as submodules, e.g. run git submodule update –init –recursive

For generating the documentation, you will require:
  • Python3 dependencies, see: SilKit/ci/docker/docs_requirements.txt
    • install with pip3 install -r SilKit/ci/docker/docs_requirements.txt

    • and pipenv: pip3 install pipenv

  • doxygen

!!! Build Configuration

The SIL Kit build system is based on CMake and can be customized at configuration time. The following options are available:

CMake Options


Build the test cases


Build the utility tools like the System Controller or Monitor.


Build the demo applications


Build the documentation using Doxygen and Sphinx


Installs the source-tree (used for packaging releases). Implies SILKIT_BUILD_DOCS.

In general, the options can be combined and set using the CMake GUI, your IDE, or command line:


!!! Building Documentation

Install the required Python dependencies:

pip3 install -r SilKit/ci/docker/docs_requirements.txt
pip3 install pipenv

You will need to set the SILKIT_BUILD_DOCS option:

cmake $source_dir -D SILKIT_BUILD_DOCS=ON

The documentation target is called Doxygen:

cmake --build . --target Doxygen

Refer to !!! How to write reStructuredText? for guidelines on formatting the documentation.

!!! Packaging

SIL Kit uses CPack to generate the release distributions in ZIP form. It can be packaged using the package target:

cmake --build . --target package

The generated package adheres to the following template SilKit-<VERSION>-<compiler>-<OS>-<TYPE>.zip. Its contents are as follows:

Package Contents

Zip Path

CMake Option



Documented changes


The SIL Kit binaries and CMake config export



Source code of the demos, builds against ../SilKit



The SIL Kit sources.



Html documentation

!!! Building the Demos

Building the demos from within the source tree is straight forward: just build the Demos CMake target. The individual demos are build as a dependency.

The distributed Demos, as packaged by CPack, are preconfigured to build against a copy of the SIL Kit binaries in ../SilKit/. This can be overriden by providing your own SilKit CMake target library, before the demos are configured by CMake. Or by changing the find_package(SilKit ... PATHS path/to/SilKit) statement directly in the SilKit-Demos/CMakeLists.txt directory.

!!! Architecture