
This document describes the usage of the demo projects that are included with the Vector SIL Kit project and what their expected output and or results are. All demo source code is located in the Git repository in the folder Demos.


All paths on this page are relative to the top level of the pre-built Vector SIL Kit packages.

To build the demos, please refer to Building the Demos.

Building the Demos

This descriptions refers to the package structures as provided within the pre-built Vector SIL Kit releases. It is not directly applicable for building the demos from source.

For building the demos, cmake has to be installed on your system and a corresponding cpp compiler has to be available.

Building the demos from a pre-built Vector SIL Kit is straight forward, just run the following commands from within the “SilKit-Demos” directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

The individual demos are then built into ./SilKit/bin in the root directory of the package.


The distributed Demos, as packaged by CPack, are preconfigured to build against a copy of the SIL Kit binaries in ../SilKit/. This can be overridden by providing your own SilKit CMake target library, before the demos are configured by CMake. Or by changing the find_package(SilKit ... PATHS path/to/SilKit) statement directly in the ./SilKit-Demos/CMakeLists.txt directory.

CAN Demo


CAN Reader/Writer with or without network simulator

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoCan.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation; must either be CanWriter or CanReader.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).


If async flag is set, the participant will join the simulation unsynchronized and it will not need the ./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller to start.

Parameter Example

# Creates a CAN Writer Process with the registry's default URI
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanWriter

System Example

For synchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# CAN Reader:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanReader

# CAN Writer:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanWriter

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller CanReader CanWriter

For unsynchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# CAN Reader:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanReader --async

# CAN Writer:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanWriter --async


- The writer sends CAN frames at a fixed rate of one frame per simulation step (1ms).
- Both reader and writer sleep for 1 second per quantum to slow down execution.

Ethernet Demo


Ethernet Reader / Writer with or without network simulator

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoEthernet.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation; must either be EthernetWriter or EthernetReader.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).


If async flag is set, the participant will join the simulation unsynchronized and it will not need the ./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller to start.

Parameter Example

# Creates an Ethernet Writer Process with the registry's default URI:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoEthernet ./SilKit-Demos/Ethernet/DemoEthernet.silkit.yaml EthernetWriter

System Example

For synchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Ethernet Reader:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoEthernet ./SilKit-Demos/Ethernet/DemoEthernet.silkit.yaml EthernetReader

# Ethernet Writer:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoEthernet ./SilKit-Demos/Ethernet/DemoEthernet.silkit.yaml EthernetWriter

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller EthernetReader EthernetWriter

For unsynchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Ethernet Reader:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoEthernet ./SilKit-Demos/Ethernet/DemoEthernet.silkit.yaml EthernetReader --async

# Ethernet Writer:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoEthernet ./SilKit-Demos/Ethernet/DemoEthernet.silkit.yaml EthernetWriter --async


- The writer sends Ethernet frames at a fixed rate of one frame per simulation step (1ms).
- Both reader and writer sleep for 1 second per simulation step to slow down execution.

LIN Demo


LIN Master and Slave demo. The master sends and requests messages from a LIN slave.

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoLin.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation; must either be EthernetWriter or EthernetReader.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).


If async flag is set, the participant will join the simulation unsynchronized and it will not need the ./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller to start.

Parameter Example

# Creates a LIN Master Process with the registry's default URI:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLin ./SilKit-Demos/Lin/DemoLin.silkit.yaml LinMaster

System Example

For synchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# LIN Master:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLin ./SilKit-Demos/Lin/DemoLin.silkit.yaml LinMaster

# LIN Slave:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLin ./SilKit-Demos/Lin/DemoLin.silkit.yaml LinSlave

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller LinSlave LinMaster

For unsynchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# LIN Master:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLin ./SilKit-Demos/Lin/DemoLin.silkit.yaml LinMaster --async

# LIN Slave:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLin ./SilKit-Demos/Lin/DemoLin.silkit.yaml LinSlave --async


Both Master and Slave sleep for a hort duration per simulation step to slow down execution.

FlexRay Demo


FlexRay Demo for a FlexRay cluster containing two nodes

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoFlexRay.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation; must either be Node0 or Node1.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).

Parameter Example

# Creates a FlexRay Process for Node 0 with the registry's default URI:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoFlexRay ./SilKit-Demos/FlexRay/DemoFlexRay.silkit.yaml Node0

System Example

# Registry (if not already running):

# Network Simulator (assumed to be in PATH, necessary):
sil-kit-network-simulator ./SilKit-Demos/FlexRay/NetworkSimulatorConfig.yaml

# Monitor (optional):

# Node 0:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoFlexRay ./SilKit-Demos/FlexRay/DemoFlexRay.silkit.yaml Node0

# Node 1:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoFlexRay ./SilKit-Demos/FlexRay/DemoFlexRay.silkit.yaml Node1

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller Node0 Node1 NetworkSimulator


Starting the FlexRay cycle takes quite some time, which is accurately modeled by the SIL Kit Network Simulator. It takes somewhat between 50 and 100 ms until the first FlexRay messages are transmitted.

Publish/Subscribe Demo


Data Message Publish/Subscribe Demo for a set of Publishers/Subscribers

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoPubSub.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation; must either be Publisher or Subscriber.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).


If async flag is set, the participant will join the simulation unsynchronized and it will not need the ./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller to start.

Parameter Example

# Creates a publisher with the registry's default URI:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoPubSub ./SilKit-Demos/PubSub/DemoPubSub.silkit.yaml Publisher

System Example

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Publisher:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoPubSub ./SilKit-Demos/PubSub/DemoPubSub.silkit.yaml Publisher

# Subscriber:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoPubSub ./SilKit-Demos/PubSub/DemoPubSub.silkit.yaml Subscriber

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller Publisher Subscriber

For unsynchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Publisher:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoPubSub ./SilKit-Demos/PubSub/DemoPubSub.silkit.yaml Publisher --async

# Subscriber:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoPubSub ./SilKit-Demos/PubSub/DemoPubSub.silkit.yaml Subscriber --async


The publisher and subscriber show how to serialize/deserialize different kinds of data with the built-in Data Serialization API.

RPC Demo


Remote Procedure Call Demo. The client triggers remote procedure calls on the server.

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoRpc.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation; must either be Server or Client.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).


If async flag is set, the participant will join the simulation unsynchronized and it will not need the ./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller to start.

Parameter Example

# Creates an RPC server process with the registry's default URI:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoRpc ./SilKit-Demos/Rpc/DemoRpc.silkit.yaml Server

System Example

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# Server:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoRpc ./SilKit-Demos/Rpc/DemoRpc.silkit.yaml Server

# Client:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoRpc ./SilKit-Demos/Rpc/DemoRpc.silkit.yaml Client

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller Server Client

For unsynchronized execution:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Server:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoRpc ./SilKit-Demos/Rpc/DemoRpc.silkit.yaml Server --async

# Client:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoRpc ./SilKit-Demos/Rpc/DemoRpc.silkit.yaml Client --async


Client participant has two RPC clients which call the Add100 and Sort functions on the Server participant’s two RPC servers.

Benchmark Demo


Benchmark Demo. Used for evaluating SIL Kit performance of publish/subscribe communication.

Source location



None (The demo starts its own instance of the registry and system controller).

Positional parameters


Sets the number of simulation runs to perform.


Sets the virtual simulation duration <S>.


Sets the number of simulation participants <N>.


Sets the number of messages <M> to be send in each simulation step.


Sets the message size <B>.


The URI of the registry to start.

Optional parameters


Show the help message.


The URI of the registry to start. Default: silkit://localhost:8500


Sets the message size <B> in bytes. Default: 1000


Sets the number of messages <M> to be send in each simulation step. Default: 50


Sets the number of simulation participants <N>. Default: 2


Sets the number of simulation runs to perform. Default: 4


Sets the simulation duration <S> (virtual time). Default: 1s


Path and filename of the participant configuration YAML file. Default: empty


Path and filename of CSV file with benchmark results. Default: empty

Parameter Example

# Launch the benchmark demo with default arguments but 3 participants and a non default registry URI to avoid collisions:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoBenchmark --number-participants 3 --registry-uri silkit://localhost:8501

# Launch the benchmark demo with positional arguments, a specified configuration file:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoBenchmark 4 1 2 1 10 --configuration ./SilKit-Demos/Benchmark/DemoBenchmarkDomainSocketsOff.silkit.yaml


This benchmark demo produces timings of a configurable simulation setup. <N> participants exchange <M> of <B> bytes per simulation step with a fixed simulation step size of 1ms and run for <S> seconds (virtual time).

This simulation run is repeated <K> times and averages over all runs are calculated. Results for average runtime, speedup (virtual time/runtime), throughput (data size/runtime), message rate (count/runtime) including the standard deviation are printed.

The demo uses publish/subscribe controllers with the same topic for the message exchange, so each participant broadcasts the messages to all other participants. The configuration file DemoBenchmarkDomainSocketsOff.silkit.yaml can be used to disable domain socket usage for more realistic timings of TCP/IP traffic. With DemoBenchmarkTCPNagleOff.silkit.yaml, Nagle’s algorithm and domain sockets are switched off.

The demo can be wrapped in helper scripts to run parameter scans, e.g., for performance analysis regarding different message sizes. See .\SilKit-Demos\Benchmark\msg-size-scaling\ and .\SilKit-Demos\Benchmark\performance-diff\ for further information.

Latency Demo


Latency Demo. Used for evaluating SIL Kit performance of publish/subscribe communication.

Source location



Positional parameters


Sets the number of messages to be send in each simulation step.


Sets the message size.


The URI of the registry to start.

Optional parameters


Show the help message.


This process is the receiving counterpart of the latency measurement. Default: false


The URI of the registry to start. Default: silkit://localhost:8500


Sets the message size. Default: 1000


Sets the number of messages to be send in each simulation step. Default: 1000


Path and filename of the participant configuration YAML file. Default: empty


Path and filename of csv file with benchmark results. Default: empty

Parameter Example

# Launch the two LatencyDemo instances with positional arguments and a specified configuration file:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLatency 100 1000
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLatency 100 1000 --isReceiver

# Launch the LatencyDemo with positional arguments and a specified configuration file:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoLatency 100 1000 --configuration ./SilKit-Demos/Benchmark/DemoBenchmarkDomainSocketsOff.silkit.yaml


This latency demo produces timings of a configurable simulation setup. Two participants exchange <M> messages of <B> bytes without time synchronization.

The demo uses publish/subscribe controllers performing a message roundtrip (ping-pong) to calculate latency and throughput timings.

Note that the two participants must use the same parameters for valid measurement and one participant must use the --isReceiver flag.

Network Simulator Demo


Demo usage of the Network Simulation API

Source location





File name of the participant configuration to be used; use DemoNetSim.silkit.yaml for an example configuration.


The name of the participant within the simulation.


The silkit:// URI of the registry to connect to; defaults to silkit://localhost:8500 (optional).

Parameter Example

# Start the Network Simulator Demo with the given config and participant name
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoNetSim ./SilKit-Demos/NetworkSimulator/DemoNetSim.silkit.silkit.yaml NetworkSimulator

System Example

Interplay with CAN Demo:

# Registry (if not already running):

# Monitor (optional):

# CAN Reader:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanReader

# CAN Writer:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoCan ./SilKit-Demos/Can/DemoCan.silkit.yaml CanWriter

# System Controller:
./SilKit/bin/sil-kit-system-controller CanReader CanWriter NetworkSimulator

# Network Simulator Demo:
./SilKit/bin/SilKitDemoNetSim ./SilKit-Demos/NetworkSimulator/DemoNetSim.silkit.silkit.yaml NetworkSimulator


  • The CAN Reader and Writer configure their controller on the network “CAN1”, which is simulated by the network simulator demo.

  • In the simple bus logic of the network simulation demo (see Demos\NetworkSimulator\src\Can\MySimulatedCanController.cpp), the acknowledgement (CanFrameTransmitEvent) is sent directly to the CAN Writer. The frame itself (CanFrameEvent) is sent with a delay of 2ms.