
This section provides troubleshooting information and answers to frequently asked questions about performing SIL Kit simulations.


SIL Kit provides interoperability between participants and utilities from different released versions of SIL Kit. This section documents known issues and potentially misleading messages reported by SIL Kit participants in certain cases.

Connectivity Issues with Registry

Listing 1 Example error message
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [error] Failed to connect to SIL Kit Registry (number of attempts: 1)
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [info]    Make sure that the SIL Kit Registry is up and running and is listening on the following URIs: silkit://localhost:8500, local://<PATH>.silkit.
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [info]    If a registry is unable to open a listening socket it will only be reachable via local domain sockets, which depend on the working directory and the middleware configuration ('enableDomainSockets').
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [info]    Make sure that the hostname can be resolved and is reachable.
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [info]    You can configure the SIL Kit Registry hostname and port via the SilKitConfig.
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [info]    The SIL Kit Registry executable can be found in your SIL Kit installation folder:
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanWriter] [info]      INSTALL_DIR/bin/sil-kit-registry[.exe]
Something went wrong: ERROR: Failed to connect to SIL Kit Registry

This error message is based on the fact, that your SIL Kit simulation participant was not able to connect to the sil-kit-registry with the specified registry URI. A SIL Kit simulation needs a running sil-kit-registry that will tell new simulation participants where to find other participants. For connecting to a simulation, a SIL Kit participant will use the registry URI specified in its CreateParticipant() call or if specified, the RegistryUri provided in the Participant Configuration file. To find out where your participant is trying to connect to, refer to the printed error message. In this case, it is looked up by hostname localhost and TCP port 8500, with a value of silkit://localhost:8500 in the log output.

The registry not being reachable for a participant might have two reasons: There is no registry running under the specified URI, or the registry is not reachable for this specific participant because of networking issues.


By default, a SIL Kit registry will bind to silkit://localhost:8500. If you want to reach a registry from somewhere where this ‘localhost’ is not reachable (VM, WSL, Docker), you have to bind the SIL Kit registry to a publicly reachable URI, such as silkit:// Make sure that the chosen port is not conflicting to the one of another SIL Kit registry instance. Please note that this opens a public listening port and may not be suitable for your work environment. Consult your system administrator when in doubt.

When starting a registry, you can provide a –listen-uri under which the registry will be reachable. Make sure that a sil-kit-registry is running and that it binds to the address and port specified for your connecting participant.

Often, issues within your network will lead to this error message. To verify, that you are not having networking issues, you can verify that your host running the SIL Kit participant is able to establish a TCP connection to the registry. One way of doing so, is to use the Telnet utility:

# Use your IP (here and port (here 8500) of the registry
telnet 8500

If Telnet does not print that it established a connection, you are having networking issues.

Trying <IP of registry>...
Connected to <IP of registry>.
Escape character is '^]'.

In this case your network configuration prevents a connection to the registry. Refer to your network administrator for further assistance. Some potential issues might be firewalls, VM network configuration (if using a VM), NATs, Docker network configuration (if using Docker).


Telnet can be terminated with the key combination Ctrl+C.

Using the Registry as a Proxy for Participant-to-Participant Connections

Listing 2 Example warning
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss] [EthernetReader] [info] Connected to registry at 'tcp://' via 'tcp://' (silkit://
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss] [EthernetReader] [warning] VAsioConnection: Failed to connect directly to EthernetWriter, trying to proxy messages through the registry: Failed to connect to host URIs: "tcp://,"

When a SIL Kit participant joins a simulation, it first connects to the SIL Kit registry (sil-kit-registry), which informs the participant about all other participants, that have already joined the simulation. The participant then tries to connect to all the other participants.

If another participant cannot be connected to directly, as a last resort, it tries to use the registry as a proxy for participant-to-participant communication. The warning is issued, since sending the participant-to-participant messages via the registry will add latency and overhead.

A SIL Kit participant will only attempt to use the registry as a proxy if the remote participant, that could not be connected to directly, supports receiving messages via the registry.

Connectivity issues between participants

Listing 3 Example error message
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanReader] [info] Connected to registry at 'tcp://' via 'tcp://' (silkit://
[yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss] [CanReader] [error] Timeout during connection setup. The participant was able to connect to the registry, but not to all participants.
   There might be network issues. Check network settings and firewall configuration. Was not able to connect to the following participant(s):
   CanWriter(local://D:\TEMP\\CanWriterd81c9d2684952765.silkit, tcp://

When a SIL Kit participant joins a simulation, it first connects to the SIL Kit registry (sil-kit-registry), to be informed of the other simulation participants and how they can be reached. This error message is shown if this second step of a simulation setup fails. It occurs when the peer to peer connection between the observed participant and one or more other participants was not possible. Usually, this problem occurs when a network configuration does not allow for said connections. Check your network setup and firewall configuration.


SIL Kit provides a lifecycle service and time synchronization service, that allow to coordinate simulation execution between participants.

Coordinated required participants

This participant is in OperationMode::Coordinated, but is not among the participants that are reported to the system controller as "required".

If participants of a SIL Kit simulation want to start the simulation together as soon as all necessary participants have joined the simulation, these SIL Kit participants specify that their lifecycle service is operated in coordinated mode.

When executing such a SIL Kit Simulation, it is important to tell the SIL Kit simulation which participants are considered necessary for the coordinated start. You do this by calling sil-kit-system-controller with a whitespace separated list of participants that are necessary to start the simulation. These participants are called “required” in SIL Kit terminology.

For example:

# mark participant1, participant2 and participant3 as required
sil-kit-system-controller participant1 participant2 participant3

Attempt to instantiate a service multiple times

Tried to instantiate TimeSyncService multiple times
Tried to instantiate LifecycleService multiple times
Tried to instantiate SystemMonitor multiple times

Some services within SIL Kit can not be instantiated multiple times on the same simulation participant. If a user tries to instantiate these services a second time, an exception with the error message Tried to instantiate service multiple times is thrown. These semantics mirror the underlying implementation. No implicit caching of the service instances is performed. Since a participant can only have one lifecycle status, having multiple lifecycle services or the expectation to instantiate multiple lifecycle services are most likely a misunderstanding of the SIL Kit APIs. If you run into this problem because you want to access these services from many places in your code, you should think about introducing a singleton pattern in your code.

Required participant names are already set

Required participant names are already set.

For starting a coordinated simulation in which all participants start the simulation at the same time, it is necessary that a participant tells the simulation which participants are required for the start. Usually the sil-kit-system-controller is used to set these required participants, but the workflow configuration can also be used to set these participants through the API. Since the behavior of the simulation would be undefined if multiple different sets of required participants are specified, this exception occurs. Make sure that only one sil-kit-system-controller exists within the simulation, or that only one participant sets the workflow configuration.


SIL Kit provides interoperability between participants and utilities from different released versions of SIL Kit. This section documents known issues and potentially misleading messages reported by SIL Kit participants in certain cases.

Duplicate Participant Names

Multiple participants with the same name connect to a single registry instance.

The SIL Kit Registry with version 4.0.7 or lower just drops the connection in this case. The participant is not informed and eventually times out.

Scenario A

  • Registry-Version: 4.0.7 or lower

  • First Participant: Any version

  • Second Participant 4.0.7 or lower

The second participant connecting with the same name reports a connection timeout with the following message:

Timeout during connection handshake with SIL Kit Registry.

Scenario B (Mixed Versions)

  • Registry-Version: 4.0.7 or lower

  • First Participant: Any version

  • Second Participant 4.0.8 or higher

The message reported by the second participant has been modified in SIL Kit 4.0.8 (when connecting to a registry of version 4.0.7 or lower):

Timeout during connection handshake with SIL Kit Registry. This might indicate that a participant with the same name ('...') has already connected to the registry.

Scenario C (Mixed Versions)

  • Registry-Version: 4.0.8 or higher

  • First Participant: Any version

  • Second Participant 4.0.7 or lower

The registry transmits an error to the second participant in SIL Kit 4.0.8 via the ParticipantAnnouncementReply message with the status field set to Failed.

The second participant does not report a timeout anymore, but immediately reports a misleading error message, referring to an unsupported protocol version:

SILKIT Connection Handshake: ParticipantAnnouncementReply contains unsupported version. participant=SilKitRegistry participant-version=3.1

Scenario D

  • Registry-Version: 4.0.8 or higher

  • First Participant: Any version

  • Second Participant 4.0.8 or higher

The registry transmits an error to the second participant in SIL Kit 4.0.8 via the ParticipantAnnouncementReply message with the status field set to Failed.

The second participant does not report a timeout anymore, but immediately reports an error message containing the diagnostic message reported by the registry:

SIL Kit Connection Handshake: Received failed ParticipantAnnouncementReply from 'SilKitRegistry' with protocol version 3.1 and diagnostic message: participant with name 'CanReader' is already connected