Common Service Data Types

Data Type Reference

struct MatchingLabel

A label to control the matching behavior of DataPublishers, DataSubscribers, RpcServers, and RpcClients.

Used in SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec and SilKit::Services::Rpc::RpcSpec

Public Types

enum Kind

The different kinds of matching rules for labels.


enumerator Optional

If this label is available, its value must match.

enumerator Mandatory

This label must be available and its value must match.

Public Members

std::string key

The label’s key.

std::string value

The label’s key.

Kind kind

The matching kind to apply for this label.

enum SilKit::Services::TransmitDirection

Flag indicating the direction of a message.


enumerator Undefined
enumerator TX
enumerator RX
enumerator TXRX