Data Publish/Subscribe API

Using the Data Publish/Subscribe API

The Data Publish/Subscribe API provides a topic-based publish/subscribe mechanism to exchange serialized application data.

Publishing Data on a Publisher

The IDataPublisher is instantiated from an IParticipant instance by calling the CreateDataPublisher() method.

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec pubSpec{"OilTemperature", SilKit::Util::SerDes::MediaTypeData()};
auto* publisher = participant->CreateDataPublisher("PubOilTemperature", pubSpec);

Data can be transmitted using the Publish() method of an IDataPublisher instance. Published messages are transmitted immediately to all matching subscribers, that is, without any modelled latency.

SilKit::Util::SerDes::Serializer serializer;


Receiving Data on a Subscriber

The IDataSubscriber is instantiated from an IParticipant instance by calling the CreateDataSubscriber() method. Upon incoming data from a publisher, the handler provided to the CreateDataSubscriber() method is called.

auto subscriberDataHandler = [](IDataSubscriber* subscriber, const DataMessageEvent& dataMessageEvent) {
    SilKit::Util::SerDes::Deserializer deserializer{SilKit::Util::ToStdVector(};
    std::cout << "oil temperature is " << deserializer.Deserialize<uint32_t>() << "°C" << std::endl;

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec subSpec{"OilTemperature", SilKit::Util::SerDes::MediaTypeData()};
auto* subscriber = participant->CreateDataSubscriber("SubOilTemperature", subSpec, subscriberDataHandler);

Data is represented as a byte vector, so the serialization schema can be chosen by the user. Nonetheless, it is highly recommended to use SIL Kit’s Data Serialization/Deserialization API to ensure compatibility among all SIL Kit participants.

API and Data Type Reference

Data Publisher API

class IDataPublisher

Public Functions

virtual ~IDataPublisher() = default
virtual void Publish(Util::Span<const uint8_t> data) = 0

Publish a new value.

Convenience method to publish data. Creates a new std::vector with content copied from data. For highest efficiency, use Publish(Util::Span<const uint8_t>) in combination with std::move.


data – A non-owning reference to an opaque block of raw data

Data Subscriber API

class IDataSubscriber

Public Functions

virtual ~IDataSubscriber() = default
virtual void SetDataMessageHandler(DataMessageHandler callback) = 0

Set the default handler for data reception.

The handler is executed when data is received from a matching publisher. The default handler will not be invoked if a specific is available.

Data Structures

struct DataMessageEvent

An incoming DataMessage of a DataPublisher containing raw data and timestamp.

Public Members

std::chrono::nanoseconds timestamp

Send timestamp of the event.

Util::Span<const uint8_t> data

Data field containing the payload.

class PubSubSpec

The specification of topic, media type and labels for DataPublishers and DataSubscribers.

Public Functions

PubSubSpec() = default
inline PubSubSpec(std::string topic, std::string mediaType)

Construct a PubSubSpec via topic and mediaType.

inline void AddLabel(const SilKit::Services::MatchingLabel &label)

Add a given MatchingLabel.

inline void AddLabel(const std::string &key, const std::string &value, SilKit::Services::MatchingLabel::Kind kind)

Add a MatchingLabel via key, value and matching kind.

inline auto Topic() const -> const std::string&

Get the topic of the PubSubSpec.

inline auto MediaType() const -> const std::string&

Get the media type of the PubSubSpec.

inline auto Labels() const -> const std::vector<SilKit::Services::MatchingLabel>&

Get the labels of the PubSubSpec.

Usage Examples

Example: Oil Temperature

Publisher - Oil Temperature Sensor

// creation of the data publisher

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec pubSpec{"OilTemperature", SilKit::Util::SerDes::MediaTypeData()};

auto* publisher = participant->CreateDataPublisher("OilTemperatureSensor", pubSpec, 1);

// serialization of data and publishing

float oilTemperature{model.GetOilTemperatureInCelsius()};

SilKit::Util::SerDes::Serializer serializer;


Subscriber - Engine Dashboard

// creation of the data subscriber

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec subSpec{"OilTemperature", SilKit::Util::SerDes::MediaTypeData()};

auto subscriberDataHandler = [&gauge](IDataSubscriber* subscriber, const DataMessageEvent& dataMessageEvent)
    // deserialization and processing

    SilKit::Util::SerDes::Deserializer deserializer;
    auto oilTemperature = deserializer.Deserialize<float>();


auto* subscriber = participant->CreateDataSubscriber("OilTemperatureGauge", subSpec, subscriberDataHandler);

Example: Wheel and Control with Structure (De-)Serialization


struct WheelData
    uint32_t rpm;
    float temperature;

Publisher - Wheel

// creation of the data publisher

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec pubSpec{"Wheel", SilKit::Util::SerDes::MediaTypeData()};
pubSpec.AddLabel("Instance", "FrontLeftWheel", SilKit::Services::MatchingLabel::Kind::Optional);

auto* publisher = participant->CreateDataPublisher("PubFrontLeftWheel", pubSpec, 1);

// serialization of data and publishing

auto wheelData{model.GetFrontLeftWheelData()};

SilKit::Util::SerDes::Serializer serializer;


Subscriber - Wheel Monitor

// creation of the data subscriber

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec subSpec{"Wheel", SilKit::Util::SerDes::MediaTypeData()};
subSpec.AddLabel("Instance", "FrontLeftWheel", SilKit::Services::MatchingLabel::Kind::Optional);

auto subscriberDataHandler = [&wheelMonitorModel](IDataSubscriber* subscriber, const DataMessageEvent& dataMessageEvent)
    WheelData wheelData;

    // deserialization and processing

    SilKit::Util::SerDes::Deserializer deserializer;
    wheelData.rpm = deserializer.Deserialize<uint32_t>();
    wheelData.temperature = deserializer.Deserialize<float>();


auto* subscriber = participant->CreateDataSubscriber("SubFrontLeftWheel", subSpec, subscriberDataHandler);

Advanced Usage and Configuration


Data publishers and data subscribers provide a topic name which is part of their PubSubSpec. Communications only takes place among controllers with the same topic. The topic has no wildcard functionality.

Media Type

Both data publishers and data subscribers define a media type as part of their PubSubSpec. It is a meta description of the transmitted data in accordance to RFC2046 and should be used to provide information about the de-/serialization of the underlying user data. Just like the topic, the media type has to match between data publishers/subscribers for communication to take place. An empty string on a data subscriber is a wildcard and will match any other media type of data publishers. Data publishers should provide information about the data they are going to publish and have no wildcard functionality for the media type.

When data is serialized using SIL Kit’s Data Serialization/Deserialization API, the media type constant MediaTypeData() must be used.


Both data publishers and data subscribers can be annotated with string-based key-value pairs (labels) which can be either mandatory or optional. In addition to the matching requirements given by topic and media type, data publishers and Data subscribers will only communicate if their labels match.

The labels are stored in the PubSubSpec. A MatchingLabel can be added via AddLabel(), see the following code snippet:

SilKit::Services::PubSub::PubSubSpec subDataSpec{"WheelSpeed", "application/json"};
subDataSpec.AddLabel("Instance", "FrontLeftWheel", SilKit::Services::MatchingLabel::Kind::Optional);
auto* subscriber = participant->CreateDataSubscriber("Sub1", subDataSpec, defaultDataHandler);

To communicate, data publishers and data subscribers must conform to the following matching rules:

  • A mandatory label matches, if a label of the same key and value is found on the corresponding counterpart.

  • An optional label matches, if the label key does not exist on the counterpart or both its key and value are equal.

The following table shows how data publishers and data subscribers with matching topics and matching media type would match corresponding to their labels. Note that the label matching is symmetric, so publishers and subscribers are interchangeable here.

Table 6 Label combinations

Subscriber {“Instance”, “FrontLeft”, Optional}

Subscriber{“Instance”, “FrontLeft”, Mandatory}

Publisher {}


No Match

Publisher {“Instance”, “FrontLeft”, Optional}



Publisher {“Instance”, “RearRight”, Optional}

No Match

No Match

Publisher {“Namespace”, “Car”, Optional}


No Match

Publisher {“Namespace”, “Car”, Mandatory}

No Match

No Match


Data publishers additionally specify a history length N (restricted to 0 or 1). Data subscribers that are created after a publication will still receive the N historic data messages from a data publisher with history > 0. Note that the participant that created the data publisher still has to be connected to the distributed simulation for the historic messages to be delivered.


The controller name passed in CreateDataPublisher() and CreateDataSubscriber() is used to identify the controller in a YAML configuration. Currently, only the topic can be configured. If a topic is set in the configuration, it will be preferred over a programmatically set topic.

ParticipantName: Participant1

  - Name: DataPublisherController1
    Topic: TopicA

  - Name: DataSubscriberController1
    Topic: TopicB