Logging Configuration


Within the Vector SIL Kit, the Logger provides features for local and distributed logging on different log levels.


The Logging configuration allows to configure the logging behavior of the simulation participant. Within the Vector SIL Kit, the Logger uses so-called sinks to store log messages. Multiple sinks can be configured at the same time. For example, to send log messages with log level Debug or higher to a remote logger and write Trace level logs to a file, the following configuration could be used:

  - Type: Stdout
    Level: Info
  - Type: Remote
    Level: Debug
  - Type: File
    Level: Trace
    LogName: ParticipantLog
Table 13 Logger Configuration

Property Name



A list of logger sink configurations


The log level at which flushes are triggered. Valid options are Critical, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Trace, and Off.


A boolean flag whether to log messages from other participants with remote sinks. Log messages received from other participants are only sent to local sinks, i.e., Stdout and File

Table 14 Sink Configuration

Property Name



The sink type determines where the log messages are stored or sent to. Valid options are Stdout, File, and Remote. Sinks of type Remote send the log messages over the underlying middleware. Note that this can result in a significant amount of traffic, which can impact the simulation performance, in particular when using a low log level.


The minimum log level of a message to be logged by the sink. All messages with a lower log level are ignored. Valid options are Critical, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Trace, and Off.


The filename used by sinks of type File. The resulting filename is <LogName>_<ISO-TimeStamp>.txt.