Tracing and Replay Configuration


At the moment, the exact behavior of tracing and replay, and the available configuration settings are under development and should be considered experimental.


Tracing allows to write received and sent messages of a controller in a trace file (e.g. PCAP). Through the replay functionality earlier recorded trace files can be replayed. By this a conifgured controller can behave exactly as within the recorded simulation.

The following section shows the tracing and replay related definitions and gives usage examples.


At the moment only PCAP tracing and replay is available in the SIL Kit library.


Trace Sinks

    - Type: ...
      Name: ...
      OutputPath: ...
Table 20 Trace Sink Configuration

Property Name



The type of trace sink to create. Can be PcapFile, or PcapPipe. See Trace Sink Types for more information on the individual types.


The name of the trace sink. This name is used in the controller configuration (UseTraceSinks) to reference the sink.


The path used to create the trace sink. How the path is used, depends on the Type property.

Trace Sources

    - Type: ...
      Name: ...
      InputPath: ...
Table 21 Trace Source Configuration

Property Name



The type of trace source to create. Can be PcapFile, or PcapPipe. See Trace Source Types for more information on the individual types.


The name of the trace source. This name is used in the controller configuration (Replay/UseTraceSource) to reference the source.


The path used to create the trace source. How the path is used, depends on the Type property.


In this example the EthernetReader and EthernetWriter of the EthernetDemo are adapted to store the received and transmitted messages in the given PCAP trace files. The participant YAML configurations are extended as shown in the code blocks. The Tracing section is added to describe the used trace sink, output file and tracing format. The defined trace sink is assigned to The EthernetController.

: Simple simulation setup with two participants and tracing enabled.

Figure 18 : Simple simulation setup with two participants and tracing enabled.

The following YAML code shows the participant configuration of the EthernetReader with tracing enabled.

Description: Tracing sample configuration for EthernetReader
- Name: Eth1
    UseTraceSinks: [ Sink1 ]
    - Name: Sink1
        Type: PcapFile
        OutputPath: EthernetReader_TraceSinkFile.pcap

The following YAML code shows the participant configuration of the EthernetWriter with tracing enabled.

Description: Tracing sample configuration for EthernetWriter
- Name: Eth1
    UseTraceSinks: [ Sink1 ]
    - Name: Sink1
        Type: PcapFile
        OutputPath: EthernetWriter_TraceSinkFile.pcap


In order for the tracing to work, it is important to terminate the simulation properly.

  1. Stop the system controller by pressing enter

  2. Stop the EthernetWriter and EthernetReader by pressing enter


Any controller may contain a Replay configuration, which references a trace source and may specify additional properties influencing how messages are replayed.

Messages from the replay file are injected as if they were sent or received by the controller. The timestamps present in the trace source are used to schedule when the messages are injected.

  - Name: ...
    ...: ...
      UseTraceSource: ...
      Direction: ...
Table 22 Per-Controller Replay Configuration

Property Name



The name of a single trace source, as defined in the Tracing configuration.


Messages from the replay file are injected as if they were sent or received by the controller. Can be Send, Receive, or Both. If the replay is active for a direction, normal data transmission is blocked.


Messages from a PCAP trace source are always sent by the controller with the userContext being nullptr.


A usage example is the reproduction of a faulty simulation, without having to share all parts of the simulation to debug a single simulation participant. In this example the EthernetWriter will replay from a pcap file why the EthernetReader will act as in the unchanged EthernetDemo.

The EthernetWrite participant YAML configuration is extended as shown in the code block. The Tracing section is added to describe the used trace source, input file and tracing format. The defined trace source is assigned to The EthernetController by define it in the Replay section. In addition the Direction filed can be used to define the rplay behaviour.

: Simple simulation setup with two participants and replay enabled.

Figure 19 : Simple simulation setup with two participants and replay enabled.

The following YAML code shows the participant configuration of the EthernetWriter with replay enabled.

Description: Replay sample configuration for EthernetWriter
- Name: Eth1
      UseTraceSource: Source1
      Direction: Both
    - Name: Source1
      Type: PcapFile
      InputPath: EthernetWriter_ReplaySourceFile.pcap

Trace Sink and Source Types

SIL Kit supports tracing and replay in different formats.


  • At the moment only PCAP tracing and replay is available in the SIL Kit library.

  • The PCAP format can only be used with Ethernet controllers.


The PCAP file format is a common format for tracing Ethernet packets. It is widely supported by tools, e.g., by Wireshark and the tcpdump family of command line tools.


If PcapFile is used for the Type property in the trace sink or source definition, SIL Kit will write/read the trace to/from a normal file, identified by the OutputPath or InputPath properties respectively.


If PcapPipe is used for the Type property in the trace sink or source definition, SIL Kit will write/read the trace to/from a named pipe, identified by the OutputPath or InputPath properties respectively.

SIL Kit will wait until the other end of the named pipe has been opened, e.g., opening Wireshark on the named pipe.


  • On Windows, SIL Kit places (or looks for) the named pipe under the path \\.\pipe\<ConfigValue> where <ConfigValue> is the value of the OutputPath (or InputPath).